
"What Now?" Campaign

Download KnoNap's "What Now?" Campaign

Our mission is to empower, educate, and advocate against drink spiking. In the process of creating Knope, we received many questions such as, “what do I do if my empowerment tool indicates drug presence?” and “who should I contact if I have been assaulted?” 

In our quest to empower, educate, and advocate against drug facilitated sexual assault and crime, our team collaborated with national law enforcement professionals to create our “What Now Campaign” in covering the following scenarios: being harassed, suspect having been drugged, empowerment tool indicating drug presence, following sexual assault/rape. 

Thank you for joining us in inclusively combating drink spiking through education and one empowerment tool at a time. 


What do I do if my Knope shows 3 lines (no drug presence)?

Keep Caution

- Three lines on your Knope means that no drugs have been detected

- Even though this means no drugs have been detected, stay cautious as there is a reason why you tested your drink in the first place

- Keep your friends close, your Knope closer, and your drink closest

- Party on!


What do I do if my Knope only shows 1 blue line (invalid/no reaction)?

Check Time

- Double check the amount of time you have waited for results, add 2 more drops of you drink 

- If you have waited longer than 3-5 minutes and have added the two extra drops of your drink, the test was ineffective and should be voided

Run Again

- Run a second test with a different Knope to see results

- Repeat until results show


What do I do if my Knope shows 2 lines (1 red, 1 black) or 1 red line (drug presence)? 

Stay Calm

- Double check that the reaction matches with a positive drug detection

- Preserve your Knope as evidence

Stop Drinking

- Stop drinking your drink immediately

- Do not drink any other beverages offered to you (this includes water)

Inform Someone

- Inform someone that is not in your proximity that your Knope has detected drug presence, who you are with, where you are, and any other necessary information

- It is very important to tell someone outside of your location because anyone could have drugged you (even friends or acquaintances)

Leave the Premise

- If possible, have the external person pick you up

- If not possible, have another external resource help you leave your location

- Call the police or have security wait with you and escort you out in case you black out

- Have the police or security call an ambulance or take you to the hospital

Go to the Hospital 

- Go to the hospital as soon as you can 

- Tell the doctor that there may be a chance you have been drugged

- Request a urine or blood toxicology test to validate drug presence

- Drugs can metabolize from the body within 12-72 hours so request immediate testing

Report or Charge 

- Decide whether you would like to initiate legal action 


What do I do if I am being harassed?


- If you feel safe to do so, inform them that you feel their behavior is inappropriate

Be Knowledgable

- Know your institution's policies regarding sexual harassment (both workplace and social institution)

- Immediately report to a supervisor or higher authority if your supervisor is the harasser

- Consult with human resources and government agencies if necessary

- Harassment including physical or sexual harm or property damage may be illegal and you may want to contact one of the following: police, school administration, human resources department, equal employment opportunity commission (EEOC)

- You have 180 days (can be extended) to report to the EEOC; federal employees have 45 days

Plan Ahead

- Try to minimize contact, but be prepared for interaction

- Think of what you could say ahead of time

- Remember that the harassment is not your fault and you have the right to be and feel safe

Get a Protective Order

- Consider filing for a protective order if the harassment is affecting your life or is dangerous

- These are issued differently by state so contact your local courts for what to file and for what type of protective order you can file


What do I do if I have been drugged? 

Stop Drinking

- Try to preserve your drink (can be used for further testing and stronger evidence especially with video surveillance)

- Provide drink to police

Alert Someone

- Stay in a heavily populated area

- Alert someone you trust within the setting that you think you have been drugged

- Monitor your breathing and consciousness

- Call emergency services if you feel lightheaded or short of breath

- Know there is a risk of overdose when being drugged against your own will

Alert First Responders

- Alert first responders/hospital staff that you believe you have been drugged

- Request a urine/blood toxicology test to validate drug presence

- Drugs can metabolize 12-72 hours after ingestion so request for testing immediately

Emotional Support

- Find someone you want to speak to

- If you do not want to speak to someone or do not know with whom to speak, there are numerous resources you can contact

Report or Charge

- Decide whether you would like to report the assault and/or press charges


What do I do if I have been assaulted? 

Get to Safety

- Get to a safe space 

- If you cannot leave, call the police

Do NOT Change

- Do not change anything on your body (e.g. brushing your teeth, showering, changing, etc.); this can tamper with evidence

- If you choose to press charges, you can use this evidence

Seek Medical Help

- Seek medical treatment to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases

- The Sexual Assault Nurse Examination (SANE) kit is one option that gathers DNA evidence and documents injuries from the attack

- Evidence must be collected within 5 days of the attack and submitted within 6 months to the police to process and form a case

Emotional Support

- Find someone you want to speak to 

- If you do not want to speak with anyone you already know or do not know whom you would like to talk to, there are numerous resources you can contact 

Report or Charge

- Decide whether you would like to report the assault and/or press charges


Support Resources 


RAINN: 800-656-4673

DCRCC: 202-232-0789


Metropolitan Police Department (Sexual Assault Unit): 202-727-3700

National Runaway Switchboard:

Safe Horizon: 1-800-621-4673

Doorways: 703-237-0881

NOVA: 800-879-6682

Stop Street Harassment: 855-897-5910

National Alliance to End Sexual Violence:


College-Aged Individuals/Students:

Day One: 800-214-4150 (<25 years)

Know your IX: 




LGBTQIA+ Community: 

Anti-Violence-Project: 212-714-1141

Loveisrespect: 1-866-331-9474

The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 



Child Help: 1-800-422-4453

Darkness to Light: 866-367-5444



Information on male sexual abuse:

Planned Parenthood: 215-351-5560 


Jim Hopper: 

Male survivor:


Legal Resources:

Womens Law:


The National Crime Victim Association:

SurvJustice: 202-869-0699

Victims Right Law Center:

Medical/Physical Health:

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner(SANE):

Healthcare Center Directory: 877-464-4772

The Center for Disease Control National Prevention Information Network:

Mental Health:




Sexual Assault Prevention:

Campus Outreach:

Project Respect:

NVAWPRC (National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center):

Date Safe:

Men Can Stop Rape:



A 2016 study estimates that 1 out of every 13 college-aged individuals suspects having had a drink laced with a drug (

The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 61.8% of all urine samples of rape victims detect drug presence (

A 2007 study investigating drink spiking found that of 805 people aged 18-35, 25% had experienced drink spiking (